Dirty Girl. . .[StyleAlert]
No, I'm not talking about our favorite hotmess, Ke$ha (With a Dolla' sign!) Who stole our hearts and had us all eager to break out the bottle of Jack and our ever trusty toothbrushes for a night out on the town. I'm talking about our very own Little J. Gossip Girl's ever raunchy,cigsmoking, bandplaying, bad girl Taylor Momsen has been a style Icon of mine for awhile now, with her messy bed head and her foxy fishnets, whats not to like about a girl who can pull off the Fab-with-out-giving-a-fuck look?
Although she vibes with the Sex Pistols and is into the whole rockin' roll scene, Momsen commeted in her interview with NYLONmagazineTV that she had a thing for Chanel.
Well then. . . .
Who, Dosn't have a thing for Chanel? Pshh, I wouldn't even call it a 'thing'. More like a steamy, rockin' hot love affair that takes place on bathroom floors, elevators , kitchen tables and highrise office buildings.
Anyways, one of the signiture peices of this totally Chic look that Taylor rocks has got to be the Booties, I knew from the moment I saw them they were worth the investment.

It's <3