Changes coming to W magazine?

By 12:50 PM

So it seems W’s advertising sales were down 45.8% in 2009 to $1.9 million can you say Ouch. So this line comes as no surprise:

"When Gina Sanders was named publisher of WWD in January, it was made clear to us the former Lucky publisher would not be overseeing W as well. “W magazine is part of our consumer magazine division and it will stay that way,” said the Conde Nast spokesperson."

Story goes that "W magazine" will be issued an editor-in-cheif since it currently lacks its own and shall be treated as its own magazine. The big news is that senior staff currently working at both the magazines–including Foley and McCarthy–will now work for WWD exclusively. Damn maybe time to relax for a bit McCathy then try a new scene wouldn't blame ya.

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